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Faith Formation

Dear Families,

We are excited to share with you information about the 2024-2025 Faith Formation Program. We are gearing up for another wonderful year of working with you to bring your children’s faith alive as we teach them about God’s love, the sacraments, and the church.

The Catechism of the Catholic Church reminds us that the parents and family are the primary teachers of the faith to their children. It is by your word and example that your children begin to grow in a relationship with Jesus. Our Faith Formation Program is designed to help support you in this important responsibility.

Below, you will find important information, the registration form and a calendar of the program being offered at St. Joseph for kindergarten – 5th grade. Older students are to register at St. Anne’s parish in Somerset.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Lala Graf at (715) 294-3652 and leave a message for a return call.

We look forward to seeing you on October 16th for the first night of class and parent meeting.

In Christ,


Deacon Larry Amell

Parish Life Coordinator Faith Formation Coordinator

Lala Graf

Faith Formation Coordinator

Program Information

Registration Form


Faith Formation for grades Kindergarten through 5th grade meets at St. Joseph on Wednesdays from 6:00 to 7:15 PM. Click on the "Program Information" icon above for more information.


Faith Formation for grades 6th through 10th grade meets at St. Anne's Parish in Somerset, WI.  More information can be found here: 

Faith Formation Registration at St. Anne​

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