Lay Ministry

Altar Server
All children who are in 3rd grade or older and have made their First Communion are eligible to serve at the altar of our Lord.
Servers must attend a 1 hour training class prior to serving. Altar server training is offered once a year, usually in the fall, in conjuction with a Faith Formation class. Parental permission and a committment to serve the parish as an altar server are also required to particpate in the class.
Once servers have completed their training, they will be assigned to serve at least one Mass each month.
Coordinator: Mary Hazzard Trainer: Deacon Tom Rausch

Sacristans are needed at both Saturday afternoon and Sunday morning Masses to prepare the holy vessels, linens, wine and hosts for the celebration of the Mass.
If you are interested in becoming a sacristan, please contact the parish office to schedule a one on one training session.
Coordinator: Mary Hazzard

Readers serve the parish community by proclaiming the Old and New Testament readings during Mass. Any parish member who has made their First Communion and is High School age or older is invited to be part of this ministry. Training is provided.
Readers will be assigned to read at least one Mass per month.
Coordinator: Mary Hazzard

Eucharistic Minister
Eucharistic Ministers have the privilege and responsibility of assisting at Mass by sharing the Body and Blood of Christ with communicants during parish liturgies. They act as Jesus' own hands, offering "the Body of Christ" and "the Blood of Christ."
Those called to this ministry must be confirmed, practicing Catholics, with reverence for the Eucharist and a sense of responsibility the role entails.
If you feel a calling to serve the parish as a Eucharistic Minister, please contact the parish office to arrange a time for training.
Coordinator: Mary Hazzard

Many different opportunities are available within the parish liturgies for parishioners to share their musical talents with God and the parish.
Accompanists accompany the cantor, choir and congregation during Mass and other services. It is necessary for accompanists to be proficient keyboard players. A short practice with the cantor before each service is requested.
Cantors lead the congregation in song during Mass and other services. Though cantors are not soloists, a pleasant voice, good presence and good ear for learning music is necessary. Practice with the accompanist takes place before Mass.
Adult Musician and Choir Coordinator: Teresa Utke

Ushers serve at parish services by assisting parishioners with their physical needs before, during, and after Mass. This includes welcoming, distributing books, helping to make people with special needs comfortable, and offering any assistance needed by parishioners.
Ushers also answer questions, seat late arrivals, point out restrooms, and help with emergencies. They assist with the collection and distribute bulletins.
Adult and high school age parishioners are invited to join this ministry.
Coordinator: Mary Hazzard Trainer: Deacon Larry Amell